Sunday, August 15, 2010

Guy Sebastian

You are probably as surprised to see a blog entry with "Guy Sebastian"
as a title as I am. I am not his greatest fan – can't even think of
one song of his I ever liked. I never watched Australian Idol, nor can
even remember if he was the one who won. He is an Australian. He is a
celebrity. He is talented. And he did sit 2 rows back and 2 seats
across from me on my LA to NY flight. When he boarded, I thought that
guy looks like Guy Sebastian. I didn't believe it. A 5 hour flight
later and I am at baggage claim. There is a man waiting to pick up a
passenger and on the sign it says "Sebastian". This is when I believed
it. I waited within a few metres of this person. Yes, like a stalker.
It was him! I knew I would kick myself if I didn't speak to him. So
whilst everyone was waiting for the checked bags to come through I
casually asked him "How was your flight?" We spoke for a couple of
minutes, I discovered he was in New York filming X-Factor (a TV show)
and he asked me what I was there for. It was pretty cool, probably
would have appreciated it a bit more if I hadn't been on an all night
flight without sleeping!


jwipe said...

That's awesome. Not the part about not liking his music, but the being on the same plane part haha. You really should give his newer music a listen - especially the 2 latest albums. You might find something you like. But regardless, he's one of the nicest guys you could meet, so I'm glad you had a chance to talk to him. He lives in LA now, so depending on where you are you might have the opportunity to see him perform live in the coming months. You should really take advantage, because his live performance is on such a different level even than his albums. Also he is not know at all in the US yet, so his shows are very intimate and he really appreciates everyone who shows up!

Anonymous said...

lucky you. Fab. fella, so 'ordinary', considering he's been famous now for almost 8 years and just keeps getting even more 'A' listing.


Anonymous said...

How cool he is a top bloke and a fantastic singer, I am never that lucky :-)

Anonymous said...

What a lucky person you are. Guy is the best.I couldn't possibly explain all that Guy has achieved since Idol, but maybe you could look up his Wikepedia page.It is constantly watched to see if anyone alters the truth,so it will really open your eyes. : )

Anonymous said...

lucky you - Guy is such a lovely person and ridiculously talented as well!

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