Friday, May 21, 2010

Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and Indianapolis here I come! - 76 days to go.

Hollywood will have the pleasure of my presence on August 5th and 6th.
I am then booked to fly to San Francisco on the 7th, where I will stay
in the Union Square area for 4 nights! San Francisco has always been
#2 on my list of places to visit in the States – this is probably the
most exciting stop on the way to Purdue. I will then fly back to LAX
and catch a night flight over to New York, New York – my favourite
city in the whole world. I will not be wasting a second of my 48 hours
there; I plan on walking the Brooklyn Bridge, doing the Staten Island
Ferry again, visiting Grand Central Terminal, perhaps seeing another
Broadway show and taking a stroll through Central Park if time
permits! There will be plenty of time to sleep in Indianapolis, where
I am having a night stop over before getting to Purdue on Sunday,

Reality Check. The dollar has taken a tumble, down to 82c, so I am
glad I have booked (and paid) for a fair bit of stuff already – but I
hope it will bounce back, I still have a lot of expenses to cover!
Residence Hall assignment is to be announced early June, so that
appears to be the next step (and naturally next post). Stay tuned
folks. Excitement, Excitement, Excitement!


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