Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So this my last post. I am sitting in JFK airport in New York with mixed feelings. My fear is that I didn't love every moment as much as I should. I know that I will experience times in the next few months (and I am sure years) where I just wished I was back at Purdue and I don't want to feel like I wasted a second. Levi will tell you for sure that I did spend a lot of time homesick, but overall I don't think I wasted a second. I feel that to not experience homesickness is an injustice to the place and people you come from.

I was asked by many on my last weekend in Purdue will I miss it? If I had left the weekend before, when it was still a bustling campus filled with my friends, then the answer would have been yes. For this reason I think it was very good that I left after everyone else did. I was also asked if I enjoyed my time in Indiana and could I live there – surprisingly the answer to both of those questions is yes. I would have never thought that I would actually like living in a small town. I have realised that the single most important factor for me is not the amount of department stores, restaurants or entertainment options an area has, but the people that make up that community. I couldn't have asked for nicer friends and acquaintances than those I found in Indiana.

Going on exchange has been a truly amazing experience – one for which I am definitely a better person!


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