Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chinatown – Vancouver style!

It must be completely obvious that I love Chinatowns – I always try and make time to visit when I am in big cities.  With Vancouver's Chinatown being the largest in Canada, eh, and the second largest in North America (only after San Francisco) I just had to go there! So what is my take on Vancouver's?  I am glad you asked. I really enjoyed it. I would say it is not as safe as others I have recently visited (SF, NY, Chicago) but it has a nice charm to it. I feel like that it is less touristy and features more actual Chinese stores. According to Bing's friend Ben, the real Vancouver Chinatown isn't in Vancouver, but in a neighbouring city – Richmond. Not sure if we will get a chance to stop there on this visit but there is always next time!


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