Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Korean Barbeque

After a long day of sightseeing I was hungry and Bing suggested that we join some of her friends at a Korean Barbeque Restaurant. I have never been to one before and I was excited to try it! How it works is you order all the vegetables (which come prepared ready to eat) and then you order which meat you want. We had several different types of beef (all seasoned in different flavours), spicy pork and a range of seafood! Then in the middle of the table is a barbeque and you cook what you want (it is only small, about 30cm (12 inches) in diameter) and when the stainless steel plate gets dirty you ask the wait staff to change the place (which is a simple process of just lifting it up). The food was delicious and all in all was a great experience that I would definitely do again!


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