Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grouse Mountain

Labelled the Peak of Vancouver, Grouse Mountain is marked as a must do for all first time visitors to Vancouver. With that in mind, Aunty Janice, Bing and I headed up there with high hopes! At Bing's house the weather was a little overcast – patches of blue sky. By the time we got there (a 30 minute drive) and climbed the mountain in the skyride (pictured above) it had started to rain. We walked around in about 2°C (36°F) and rain for about 20 minutes until we made the decision to head back down. Of course by then so had everyone else and we waited for over 30 minutes in line for the skyride back down. I am sure that on a fine day or during the snow season it would be a well worth trip, but for yesterday, not so much.


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