Tuesday, September 7, 2010

DQ (Dairy Queen)

So it's about 11.30pm at night and I am bored and wanting ice cream.
Where to go? Levi and I walk outside and see a dairy queen sign. It is
way too close to the dorm for my liking. We go in and check it out. I
am in heaven. I honestly sat down and stared at the menu above the
counter for a few minutes – too many choices... I decided to go with
the Oreo Brownie Earthquake. To say it was delicious was an
understatement. Levi got the Brownie Batter Blizzard – "It was really
good!" I really shouldn't go back there...


Anonymous said...

I'll definitely kill you the next time I see you for making me look at this yummy ice cream at 10pm. you are evil when it come to food n time

AlexanderDeLove said...

LMAO okay. you can kill me. as long as I get to eat one of these as my last meal!

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