Tuesday, September 7, 2010


After a long day of shopping both Lily and I were tired and it was
getting late. We decided to head back over to West Lafayette. As we
walked across the parking lot to road we saw our bus. "Oh well, there
has to be another one in like 20 minutes or so" we said. Being 6.30pm
on a Sunday, there wasn't. We were stranded on the sidewalk waiting.
And waiting. And waiting. Until I texted Levi, who was thankfully by
his computer back in the dorm. He texted back "last bus left 30mins
ago. Want taxi number?". We were back by 8pm... Note to self: next
time check bus schedule!


Samantha Milton said...

This is such a good idea :) I love your site-I want one when I go on exchange!!! But my tech abilities are pretty poor...

AlexanderDeLove said...

Hey Sam! Its way easy... just google how to use blogspot! Where are you going on exchange to?

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